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Madeline Hogan, College Student

Mon Amour was founded with the idea of a refined cafe, with cute and attentive staff to keep you involved with the experience. Too often, people spend their meals engrossed in their cell phones. While we see the many benefits of communication, it can be even more enjoyable to sit back and enjoy the show right in front of you.


Madeline Hogan was born at the tender age of zero in Fredericton, New Brunswick. Born to a military family who later started a small business. 


A true lover of the arts, Madeline baked constantly throughout her life. Desserts, she found, taste much better when they are cute! Mon Amour was thought up while eating dinner with friends. While she wanted to enjoy the evening, her friends spent the whole evening on their cell phones. With a desire to share her baking, and have a phone-free experience, Mon Amour came to be.

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